Including Tenants in your CX Strategy

May 25, 2023

Including Tenants in your CX Strategy

Shopping centers serve two customers.  Shoppers and Tenants.  

But if we’re honest, once the lease is signed most centers spend the lion’s share of their time and resources serving and attracting new shoppers. There are loads of reasons why this practice has persisted, but forward thinking centers all over the world are changing the way they define “customer experience” and are beginning to include “tenant experience” as an important focus area.

At the risk of overstating the obvious, the pandemic underscored the importance of tenant communication and showed us all just how much could be accomplished when landlords and tenants functioned as true partners.  But the process was far more painful than it should have been.  

It was clear to literally everyone the industry needed better tools.  

For Placewise, developing these next gen tools presented an opportunity to deliver something that would go well beyond current single point, work order or emergency alert solutions.  In addition to Sales and Maintenance Reporting, Tenant Contact Directory, Notifications, Emergency Alerts, Messaging and a Document Library Placewise envisioned features that would make tenant support scalable, efficient  and impactful for both management teams and tenants.

Since launching Tenant Connect in early 2022 Placewise has continued to add unique features like Property Picker for portfolio management teams, and Retail Content Collector that allows tenants to submit store information updates, promotional offers, center employee offers and event information for center approval and publication.

Centers from Lexington, Kentucky to Norway, and most recently Sello Shopping Center in Finland have selected Tenant Connect to help them build a robust, and inclusive tenant community. 

Eager to hear how Tenant Connect can benefit your center management team and retail tenants? Let's talk

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Including Tenants in your CX Strategy